PhD - Current


Itay Abadi

Department of Archaeology

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Subject: The Transition from The Upper Palaeolithic To the Epipalaeolithic In the Southern Levant And the Development of The Microlithic Technology.

Supervisor: Prof. Nigel Goring-Morris

Abstract: The doctoral dissertation focuses on one of the important developments in the of ancient hunting methods in the southern Levant. This change took place during the transition between the transition from the Upper Paleolithic to the Epipaleolithic periods (some 25,000 years ago), due to the development of microlithic tools (small stone tools, carefully designed in standard shapes, used to form composite projectile tools).
The study examines stone tool assemblages from several sites in the southern Levant from the end of the Upper Paleolithic and the beginning of the Epipaleolithic. By combine three different methods to analyze stone tool production (attribute analysis, experimental knapping and core refitting) the study aims to trace the source of this change and its evolution in terms of chronology, technology and style. 

Bio: PhD student at the Institute of Archaeology. Studied for BA and MA at Hebrew University. The MA thesis examining the transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic in the Levant, and was completed under the guidance of Prof. Anna Belfer-Cohen. The PhD thesis, written under the supervision of Prof. Nigel Goring-Morris, deals with lithic technology changes that seen with the appearance of the Epipalaeolithic in the Levant.


  • Grosman, L., Munro, N.D., Abadi, I., Boaretto, E., Shaham, D., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bar-Yosef, O. 2016. Nahal Ein Gev II, a Late Natufian Community at the Sea of Galilee. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146647. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146647.
  • Goder-Goldberger, M., Ginat, H., Ragolski, G., Seri, G., Abadi, I. 2017. Middle Palaeolithic Find Spots with Nubian Cores from the Southern Negev and the Arava, Israel. Journal of Lithic Studies 4(1). doi:10.2218/jls.v4i1.1688.
  • Grosman, L., Shaham, D., Valletta, F., Abadi, I., Goldgeier, H., Klein, N., Dubreuil, L., Munro, N.D. 2017. A Human Face Carved on a Pebble from the Late Natufian Site of Nahal Ein Gev II. Antiquity 91(358). doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.122.
  • Abadi, I., Grosman, L. 2019. Sickle Blade Technology in the Late Natufian of the Southern Levant. In Asrtuc L, McCartney C, Briois F, Kassianidou V (Eds.), Near Eastern Lithic Technologies on the Move: Interactions and Contexts in the Neolithic Traditions, 8th International Conference on PPN Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East, Nicosia, November 23rd–27th 2016. Pp. 295-304. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Volume 150. Astrom Editions, Nicosia.
  • Friesem, D.E., Abadi, I., Shaham, D., Grosman, L. 2019. Lime Plaster Cover of the Dead 12,000 Years Ago – New Evidence for the Origins of Lime Plaster Technology. Evolutionary Human Sciences 1: e9. doi: 10.1017/ehs.2019.9.
  • Abadi, I., Bar-Yosef, O., Belfer-Cohen, A. 2020. Kebara V — A Contribution for the Study of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition in the Levant. PaleoAnthropology 2020: 1−28. doi:10.4207/PA.2020.ART139.

President Scholarship 2019/20

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Gabriel Abensour

Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry

Subject: Between Integration and Subversion: Algerian Jews During the Colonial Period (1865- 1940)

Supervisor: Prof. Yaron Ben-Naeh and Prof. Benjamin Brown


Ronnie Agassi Cohen

The Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

The Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Subject: Persian Epic, Ottoman Historiography, and the Formation of Ottoman Imperial Identity in the Court of Bāyezīd II (1481-1512).


Binyamin Amitai

The department of Hebrew literature

Subject:  Yosef Birbi Nissan's spot in the history of the early Piyut


Aviel Astanovsky

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Subject: The reception of the epic poem Shah-Nama ("The Book of Kings") in Iran, Tajikistan and among Iranian immigrants and exiles in the United States and Europe in the 20th century until present days.

Ami Asyag

Ami Asyag

Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Subject: The liturgical history of Uruk: local traditions and textual transmission.

Ward Awad

Ward Awad

General and Comparative Literature

General and Comparative Literature

Subject: Holocaust reception in Palestinian literature and the making of Palestinian identity.


Asaf Ben Haim

Archaeology and Ancient Middle Eastern studies

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Subject:  The Development of the Urban Layout at the South-Western Hill of Jerusalem from the Hellenistic Period to the Destruction of the City on AD70

Supervisor:  Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat

Abstract:  I’m an archaeologist; specializing in classical periods at the levant, in architectural decoration and in the application of computational methods and 3D modeling on the study of stone decoration. In my PhD I am studying the development of the urban layout at the south-western hill of Jerusalem from the Hellenistic period to the destruction of the city in AD70.
I am a graduate of the Mandel School M.A. Research Track Honors Program and the “Late Antiquity” interdisciplinary M.A. Research Honors Program. In my masters I have studied the architectural decoration found at the fortress-palace in Herodium, its cultural influence and stone-carving methods.
I am the head of the New Hebrew University Expedition for the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, together with Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat and Dr. Oren Gutfeld; member of the Ehud Netzer Expedition for Herodium; member of the Hebrew University Expedition for Horvat Midras.

Publications:  Peleg-Barkat, O. and Ben-Haim, A. (2017). ‘Monumental Ionic columns from areas Q and H’, in:Geva, H., Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969–1982, volume VI: Areas J, N, Z and Other Studies, The Israel Exploration Society and the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pp. 68–95.

בן־חיים, א׳ וכלף, א׳ (2018). ״עדויות למבנה מונומנטלי ממערב להר־הבית בשלהי ימי הבית השני״. חידושים בארכיאולוגיה של ירושלים וסביבותיה, י״ב, 56–77.

Ben-Haim, A. (forthcoming), ‘The Architectural Decoration of Lower Herodium’, in: Porat, R., Kalman, Y., and Chachy, R., Herodium II: Lower Herodium and other studies, The Israel Exploration Society and the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

בן־חיים, א׳ (בדפוס). ״עיטורי האבן בארמון־מבצר ההר בהרודיון: אומנים וסגנונות בחצרו של הורדוס״, ארץ ישראל ל״ה: ספר הלל גבע. החברה לחקירת ארץ־ישראל ועתיקותיה, ירושלים.

Year: 2021/2022 President Stipend

MA Honors Program 2015/16

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Yotam Ben Horin

Yotam Ben Horin

The Department of History

The Department of History

Subject: Knowledge Formation and Learning from the Past in Research on Historical Climate-Society Interactions.

Advisor: Dr. Lee Mordechai and Dr. Amit Tubi.

Adiel Breuer

Adiel Breuer

The Department of Talmud and Halakha

The Department of Talmud and Halakha

Subject: The Talmudic commentaries in North Africa and Egypt during the Middle Ages.

Advisor: Prof. Simcha Emanuel.


Tal Brit

Department of Art History

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Subject: Philosophia Naturalis in 14-16th century and the Representation of Nature in the Art of North Italy

Supervisor: Dr. Lola Kantor-Kazovsky

Abstract: In my research I intend to trace the Medieval taxonomy of plants, Wild Men, landscapes and texts of Philosophia Naturalis, in the visual iconography of goddess Natura: starting with theological writings and ending with the private canvases commissioned by North Italian aristocrats in the Quattrocento and the Cinquecento. The Iconongraphical interpretations of canonical canvases such as the (so called) “Venus” of Giorgione, and other mysterious females, is still vague and unidentified, in spite of the vast amount of textual and visual precedents. I will claim that the detailed geology as well as the figurative characters, are allegorical representations of Natura, and a result of a synthesis between the Medieval tradition of Philosophia Naturalis and the Humanistic culture. For each of the cosmographical components of the Medieval Philosophia Naturalis there is an essential origin in Pliny’s encyclopedic Historia Naturalis which received a new kind of attention in the Trecento. I believe it would be justified to explore the misconstrued compositions of these private canvases through that encyclopedic perspective, which seem to have been dominant in patronage culture during the Quattrocento and Cinquecento. I will use them as both the objects of research and as its focus. In addition to previous interpretations of these motifs, I believe that a further understanding of the philosophical contemplation over the relations between the creations of Man versus those of Nature would suffice a more objective understanding of these compositions. As a result, I hope it will deepen our general view of North Italian artists and their patrons.

Bio: A Phd student in the Art History department in the Hebrew University; Studying North Italian allegories and their visual representation in the Quattrocento and the Cinquecento; Teaching ancient Art and Though in the Israeli Arts and Science Academy; An avid lecturer and organizer of various courses and conferences in the scholarly arena.

Rotenstreich Scholarship 2021/22

President Stipend 2018/19

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