Department of Asian Studies
Subject: An Island in a Cosmopolitan Sea: Toward a Definition of Kakawin Poetics
Supervisor: Prof. Yigal Bronner and Prof. Ronit Ricci
Abstract: Danielle's research examines the corpus of kakawin literature - a form of court poetry written in the Kawi language, which served as the preferred medium of aesthetic and political self-representation of the ruling Javanese elites between the 9th and 15th centuries CE. The research explores the set of literary tools, figural as well as prosodial, which were developed and used by the Javanese poets, in their process of creating a local literary identity within the larger cosmopolitan space known as the "Sanskrit cosmopolis". Special attention is given to the creative and innovative ways in which the Javanese poets borrowed literary models and text-building strategies from Sanskrit kāvya literature while reconfiguring and rearticulating them to fit their new aesthetic and cultural environment.
Bio: Danielle Chen is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Ronit Ricci and Prof. Yigal Bronner, and a member of the ERC research group "The new Ecology of Expressive Modes in Early Modern South India" organized by Prof. David Shulman. Danielle holds an MA degree from the Hebrew University in which she focused on the aesthetic theory of Abhinavagupta, the 11th century Kashmiri philosopher and poetician. She is currently working on Old Javanese (Kawi) texts and textuality and is especially interested in the complex set of interactions they shared with Sanskrit literature and forms of conceptualization.
President Stipend 2019/20
Azrieli Scholarship 2021/22