Department of Talmud and Halakha
Subject: Parallel Dialectical Structures in the Babylonian Talmud
Supervisor: Yoav Rosenthal
Abstract: In this study, I wish to focus on textual units with parallel structures in the Babylonian Talmud. These textual units share almost identical dialectical structures, but differ from each other in terms of their specific contents. In many cases, this phenomenon can be described as follows: uniform sugya-structures contain open-ended functional templates, which are filled in different ways according to the subject matter or the basic sources discussed by a given sugya. These templates may contain a single word or several words, a whole argument or an entire source, varying both in terms of content and in wording but in all appearances fulfilling a similar function. Such parallels sometimes appear in a single textual sequence, one being designated as an alternative 'version' of the other with phrases such as ‘Ika de-Metanei/de-Amrei…' (i.e. 'some teach/say'). In other cases, parallels structures are far-removed from each other, appearing in distinct chapters, tractates and orders.
My research will offer a comprehensive study of a phenomenon the extent of which has yet to be fully appreciated. It is already clear that the importance of this phenomenon is not negligible, and it still requires a full definition, classification and discussion. The basic value of this study will therefore be its drawing attention to a specific process in the Babylonian Talmud which has yet to receive a dedicated study. Furthermore, this study is expected to promote the discussion about the redaction processes of the Babylonian Talmud, and perhaps even the learning, transmission and literary methods of the Babylonian Amoraim. In addition, I hope to deepen the discussion regarding the relations between the creation and redaction methods of the Babylonian sugyot, and between the different ways of transmitting them, as reflected in the textual witnesses of the Talmud.
1. "חילופי גמר עריכה במסורת נוסח מיוחדת בבבלי שבת", תרביץ, פה (תשע"ח), עמ' 399–476.
2. "פירוש אלמוני לספרי מגניזת אירופה", קבץ על יד, כד (תשע"ו), עמ' 123–149.
Azriely Fellows Stipend 2018/19
President Stipend 2017/18