Department of Art History
Subject: The Presence of Jerusalem in Medieval Saxon Convents: Art and Cult
Supervisors: Dr. Galit Noga-Banai (Hebrew University), Prof. Hedwig Röckelein (University of Göttingen.
Abstract: My doctoral research focused on the reference to the holy place in Jerusalem: the stations along the Via Dolorosa (The Stations of the Cross), the Holy Sepulchre Church and Christ’s Tomb. These representations were common especially in convents of northern Germany and were repeated in a variety of media: architecture, sculpture, reliefs, illustrations and texts. In the PhD the phenomenon was examined and reasons were offered for the popularity and centrality of Jerusalem representations in the art and cult of the medieval nuns. The PhD was approved in June 2020.
- “The Holy Sepulchres of Maria-Medingen,” in preparation
- “Die Heiligen Stätten des Bickenklosters, Villingen, im Kontext,” Geschichts- und Heimatvereins Villingen 45 (2021), in preparation
- “The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre in Medieval Saxony: Between Cloistered Community and Lay Parish,” forthcoming 2021
- “A Tale of Three Cities: Between Jerusalem and Gerusalemme – Gernrode of (St.) Scholastica,” 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual –Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur 1 (2020), https://doi.org/10.11588/xxi.2020.1.73141
- Devotional ‘Cross-Roads’: Practicing Love of God in Medieval Jerusalem, Gaul and Saxony, co-ed. with Hedwig Röckelein and Galit Noga-Banai, Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2019
- “Re-living Resurrection in Medieval Saxony: The Development of New Imagery of the Resurrected Christ,” in Devotional ‘Cross-Roads’: Practicing Love of God in Medieval Jerusalem, Gaul and Saxony, ed. by Hedwig Röckelein, Galit Noga-Banai and Lotem Pinchover, Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2019, pp. 211–247
- “Christus und seine Verehrung im Kloster,” in Schatzhüterin. 200 Jahre Klosterkammer Hannover, ed. by Katja Lembke and Jens Reiche, Dresden: Sandstein, 2018, pp. 98–109
- “The via crucis in Wienhausen: Visual Witnesses,” in Jerusalem Elsewhere: The German Recensions. Proceedings of the Minerva-Gentner Mobile Symposium, October 2011, ed. by Bianca Kühnel and Pnina Arad, Jerusalem: Spectrum, 2014, pp. 91–98
- Tradition and Innovation in the Former Cathedral of Gurk, Jerusalem: The Centre for Austrian Studies, 2013
- “The Gurker Lenten-Veil as a Product of its Immediate Surrounding,” in From Collective Memories to Intercultural Exchanges, ed. by Marija Wakounig, Münster: LIT, 2012, pp. 85–116
- “Illustrated Evening Skies: A Comparison between Children’s Book Illustrations by Chaim Hausmann and David Polonsky (Hebrew),” Ha-Pinkas: Online Magazine for Children’s Literature and Culture, 09/03/2011, http://ha-pinkas.co.il/?p=3911
Azrieli Fellows Stipend 2016/17
Presidential Stipend 2013/14