University of Oxford
Jewish Studies
Research Interests:
• Jewish historiography
• Jews in the Renaissance
• Midrash
• History of scholarship
Selected Publications:
• Co-author Anthony Grafton, "I have always loved the Holy Tongue". Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship, Cambridge Mass., January, 2011.
• “A Rabbinic disquisition of Leviticus 26:3-16: A Utopian Vision between Jews and Christians” in Scriptural Exegesis. The Shapes of Culture and the Religious Imagination: Essays in honour of Michael Fishbane, Oxford University Press, 2008, 121-34.
• “Abraham and the Nations in a late Midrash” in Brill Series in Ancient Judaism and early Christianity, 2010
• “Azariah de' Rossi and Pythagoras, or what has Classical Antiquity to do with Halakhah?” in Tov Elem. Memory, Community and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Societies. Essays in honor of Robert Bonfil, Jerusalem, 2011, 178-87.
• “La quête de Philon dans l’historiographie juive du XVIE siècle” in B. Decharneux and S. Inowlocki (eds) Philon d’Alexandrie. Un penseur à l’intersection des cultures gréco-romaine, orientale, juive et chrétienne. Turnhout (2011), 403-32.