Itay Lubel

Archeology and Civilizations of the Ancient Near East

Subject:  Spatial Analysis of the Negev Highlands sites during the Iron age

Supervisor: Dr. Uri Davidovich

Abstract: My research is focusing on the spatial relations between the Iron Age sites in the Negev highlands and the environment. The aim is to clarify the set of considerations that led the users of these sites to place them in the unique spatial layout as it is seen today. In order to do so, a big spatial database is gathered with accurate information that is lacking today. The analysis will examine the affinity to different environmental components and other sites in the vicinity.

Bio: I am starting my M.A this year (2023) in archaeology. My graduate degree was in archaeology and geography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since my youth, I have been interested in the desert environment, specifically the Negev desert and the human activity within it. The Negev desert serves as the background for my thesis which focuses on the spatial relations between the Iron Age sites in the Negev highlands and the environment

Scholarship  2023/24