Talmud and halakha
Subject: Sifre Zuta beMidbar and its incorporation in Midrash
Supervisor: Prof. Menahem Kahana
Abstract: The Tannaitic midrash Sifre Zuta beMidbar did not survive in its entirety, and some of it was revealed through lone genizah fragments and many quotations in mediaeval rabbinic literature. Like of the halakhic midrash from the school of R. Akiba, this midrash too employs mishnaic material which stood before it in various ways.As it has already been shown, its mishna was not the known mishna of R. Judah the Patriarch, but rather another mishnaic corpus that can teach us the sources and redactional methods of our mishna. My philological-exegetical research aims to characterise this corpus and its ties to our mishna, as well as the ways in which the midrash employs it.
Presidential Stipend 2012/13