Prof. Anna Hájková

University of Warwick
Anna Hájková is associate professor at the University of Warwick. Her first book, The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt, came out in 2020 with Oxford University Press. Her article “Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide“ was awarded the Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship in 2013. She is working on two projects: a trade book on the Neuengamme guard Anneliese Kohlmann and queer Holocaust history. Her work on queer history of the Holocaust was published in Czech, German, British, US American, and Israeli newspapers. She guest edited a special issue of German History Holocaust, Sexuality, Stigma. Moreover, she is also working on a generational history of Communists in Central Europe, 1930-1970.