Amitai Cohen

Amitai Cohen
The Bible Department

The Bible Department

Subject: The relationship between the law genre and the wisdom genre in the second temple period

Abstract: In his thesis, Moshe Weinfeld noticed the wisdom background of Deuteronomy. He showed that there are parallel sayings that appear in the Deuteronomy as a Mitzvah and in the wisdom literature as a directive or advice. Later on, other researchers pointed to similar parallels in the rest of the Torah as well. The concept of wisdom in Second Temple literature was defined among scholars based on the praise of wisdom in Sirach and its use in Torah stories as a platform for perspective insights. Following the understanding of the concept of wisdom in the Second Temple period, I would like to examine in this work the practical advices given in the wisdom literature of the Second Temple period in comparison to the law of the time. Analyzing the relationship between the advices in the wisdom literature and the law in this period is important to better understand the evolution of the contents of the wisdom between the periods, and will help to examine the nature of the concept of wisdom in this period as it is presented explicitly.

MA Honors 2023/24